Each offering explores plant and nature consciousness through embodiment exercises, meditation, and deep listening. These contemplative workshops can be customized for groups or organizations based on their interests. Anyone can host a workshop!

Meditative, therapeutic, and connective they are perfect for those needing retreat, replenishment, connection, and re-centering.

“The Plant Meditation workshop was so relaxing. I felt like I was tapping into the plant’s natural rhythm and I saw these waves of energy.” ~ workshop participant


Plant Meditation:Tree Magic

During this mini outdoor retreat we learn how to connect to the consciousness of trees through observation, silent walking and meditation, deep listening, reflection through journaling, and group sharing.


House Plant Meditation

Explore the the consciousness of your houseplants through a series of embodiment and mindful exercises, guided meditation, reflective journaling, and sharing. *online option

Rain or Shine: Walking Meditation

are guided outdoor walking meditations. Connect more deeply to yourself and the natural world in a communal setting. Connecting to nature is not always about comfort but the enlivening effects of the elements.


Herbal Plant Meditation

are guided plant meditations that facilitate connection to the sentience of the featured plant paired with an herbal infusion. Meditations are followed by journaling, group reflection, and a sharing of the medicinal and energetic properties of these plants.